Anesthesia Services

We do not want you to avoid us due to dental fear or anxiety. We can put you to sleep for a stress-free appointment.

While in most cases dental treatment can be performed with local anesthesia also known as "Novocaine", there are some instances where having sedation or general anesthesia can be very helpful. Patients who fear the dentist, have dental anxiety, or have past traumatic experiences with medical procedures can have their treatment completed while being asleep. One should not be ashamed of having these feelings. It is important to acknowledge the issue and get the treatment that is needed using experts who can make the process much easier.

Anesthesia is also useful for more major cases where a lot of complex work is done in a short period of time. Anesthesia allows the patient to be unaware of the sights, sounds, and other stimulation common to surgical procedures. The surgeon benefits by being solely focused on the mechanics of the operation while the anesthesiologist works to keep the patient safe, comfortable, and have no memory of the procedure.

Essentials of preparing for anesthesia:

Eating and Drinking:

Do not eat or drink beginning at midnight the night before surgery. Water can be consumed up to 3 hours before treatment.


You will be unable to drive for 24 hours following surgery. Please have a responsible adult escort who will drive you home and stay with you the evening of your treatment.


Please wear loose fitting clothing so a blood pressure cuff and other medical devices can be placed easily.

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